Availability Calendar

The Holiday Availability Calendar Tariff System for holiday rental properties

The Holiday Availability Calendar Tariff has these features.

Availability & Tariff - Saturday changeover

Availability & Tariff - Friday changeover

  • The prices you set for your accommodation appears as part of a web page or pages on your holiday accommodation's (Holiday Cottages, Villas, Chalets etc.) website.
  • The simple, easy to understand display shows weekly prices. It also displays pricing for short breaks - weekend and mid week - if needed.
  • There is an easy to operate administration system so that the cottage owner or administrator can quickly and easily create and edit tariffs.

Always accurate and up to date

Any changes you make to your Holiday Availability Calendar Tariff are immediately updated on your web-page and wherever else your tariff is displayed.

Easy tariff creation

Our system enables you create the tariff for a year quickly and easily. With our system of tariff 'bands' you can rapidly, and with less chance of error, assign weeks to particular 'tariff bands' without having to constantly fill in individual figures.

Because you also have total control over every part of the tariff you can then change and customise it at any time.

Easy editing of the tariff

It is extremely easy and quick to create and edit price bands and apply them to weeks. All changes made are immediately displayed.

>> Try the Holiday Availability Calendar with our one month free trial!